Street Chess

Major Antonio Villaraigosa stopped by and was quite enthusiastic and impressed

Best knights ever

Designing the pieces on a grid. There are no curves to make the production easier.

Each piece was cut out from foam board

Goofing off

Justin and Dylan supported the effort

Stray-painting on the carpet to created the chess board

CicLAvia in a semi-annual event in Los Angeles where 10 miles of roadways are closed to car traffic and claimed by bicyclists and pedestrians. To add to the merriment, my studio mates and I created Street Chess, a life-size chess game played on a 10′ x 10′ board along the CicLAvia route.
See a video shot that day by UCI Digital Arts students.
10 x 10 foot board
Pieces from 1.5 foot to 2.5 feet tall.
Supported by a CicLAvia mini-grant