8th Panama Art Biennial catalog

Magali Arriola, curator of the 8th Panama Art Biennial Catalog, asked me to design the catalog for the exhibition that took place from Sep 9 to Oct 21, 2008 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Panamá City.
The exhibition focuses on what used to be called “The Canal Zone”: a U.S. territory located within the Republic of Panama consisting of the Panama Canal and an area generally extending five miles on each side of the canal.
Artist included: Francis Alÿs, Abner Benaim, Enrique Castro Ríos, Donna Conlon, Sam Durant, Aurélien Froment, Mario García Torres, Jonathan Harker, Joachim Koester, Jonathan Monk, Roman Ondak, Rich Potter, Sean Snyder, Michael Stevenson, Mungo Thomson, Humberto Vélez and Ramón Zafrani
The book is entirely bilingual in English and Spanish.
Soft-cover book
198 pages